On the New Year’s Day And the whole year through I hope the kindness you’ve given to others return many times to you. ~Happy New Year

We hope you all had a great winter break! We hope that your new year is filled with love and laughter! We have been through a lot together this past year! Thank you for you love and support through all that we have endured! Together, we are bet- ter!

The beginning of a new year seems like a great time to send home some reminders:

*The most important reminder at this time is to keep children home if they are not feeling well. You know your child bet- ter than anyone and you know when they are not feeling well. Thank you for keep- ing our school a healthy place for all of us!

*Please bring your own pen to sign in and out each day!

*Please remember your child’s snack day! We rely on healthy snacks from you to feed the children. If you are not sure of when your snack day is you can email your child’s teacher and they will make sure you get the snack calendar! If you are not sure of the guidelines, be sure to ask for a snack list of suggested items. A good rule of thumb is less than 8 grams of sugar and no empty calories (like chips or pirates booty).

The office email is [email protected]

If you should ever have any questions, please feel free to email us here. Your child’s teacher has sent you emails through the school year and they love to hear from you too! If you are ever not sure about something, or just want to chat, let us know! It has been hard for us to not talk with you face to face eve- ryday. We are sure it is difficult for you too! We can still have great commu- nication!

Mrs. Dodd and Ms Kelly